March 16, 2014Comments are off for this post.

Post production of dark music video

We just wrapped up the final stages of post production of our music video, want to thank everyone involved in the project. As always a pleasure to work with new people as well as my own crew. The production time was quite short, almost a week of production.

vivien yue vivien yue

October 19, 2013No Comments

Script Reading with my crew

Saturday lunch is being served, while part of our assemble, me the producer and author are getting together for a breakdown of the script. We have a lot to do but we did reach a critical point in our production and started to develop the characters further.


Vivien yue

April 5, 2013No Comments

Green screen in a Cliché way

vivien yuevivien yue

Oh yes its on! my friends, a pilot for a commercial, Jepser Sanneving does a eclectic mix of roles that are the original and Cliché parts in many movies, fun and work goes hand in hand in a suttle way , hopefully.